PhD Applications


One PhD student position is available in the Materials Chemistry Research Group. The research is interdisciplinary encompassing the fields of materials chemistry and biochemistry. The research project will focus on the fabrication of artificial diatomees and sponge spicules. The candidate should have a Diplom/Master in materials/physical chemistry/biochemistry or a related field. Experience in materials synthesis or biochemistry is highly desirable. This is an excellent opportunity for young scientists to pursue research in a highly stimulating and leading edge environment.

POLYMAT - "Polymers in Advanced Technologies"

The purpose of this Graduate Class of Excellence "Polymers in Advanced Materials" (POLYMAT) is to provide young researchers with a comprehensive training in advanced methods of synthesis and characterization of polymer materials. This includes research in how to design and to optimize polymer-based materials and processes for advanced technologies.
Further information

MATCOR - "Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems: Experiments and Simulation on Molecules, Ultra-cold Quantum Gases, and Materials with Strong Electronic Correlations"

Scientists from the Physics and Chemistry Departments at the Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz have joined groups of the Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research and groups from the Physics Department at the University of Kaiserslautern to form a GRADUATE CLASS OF EXCELLENCE entitled: "Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems: Experiments and Simulation on Molecules, Ultra-cold Quantum Gases, and Materials with Strong Electronic Correlations" (MATCOR) as part of the GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EXCELLENCE at the University of Mainz (MAINZ).
Further information on the website of MATCOR Scientists from the Physics and Chemistry Departments at the Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz have joined groups of the Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research and groups from the Physics Department at the University of Kaiserslautern to form a GRADUATE CLASS OF EXCELLENCE entitled: "Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems: Experiments and Simulation on Molecules, Ultra-cold Quantum Gases, and Materials with Strong Electronic Correlations" (MATCOR) as part of the GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EXCELLENCE at the University of Mainz (MAINZ).
Further information

IRTG - "Self-organized Materials for Optoelectronics"

Within the International Research Training Group (IRTG) scientists from University of Mainz (Germany) and Seoul National University and Hannam University (Korea) will join to work on new materials and basic science, critically needed for optoelectronics, e.g. displays and photovoltaic solar cells.
Further information on the website of IRTG